Participation form Punterweekend 2018

Participation form 2018

 Hereby I enroll for the:

Belterwiede Sailing weekend 4 /6 may 2018

name   :   ………………………………

date of birth   :    ………………………………

address   :   ………………………………

zip code  :   ………………………………

Town :   ………………………………

phone :  ………………………………

mobile phone : ………………………………

e-mail : ………………………………

I bring my own boat : her name…………………

type of boat  : ………………………………

I come without a boat and use the traditional “sailing punters “   Yes / No

I take with me  : …… crewmembers.

names  :   ………………………………………………………………..

ages  :   …………………………

I will sleep in the Tipi tents with ….. persons

I prefer to sleep: my own boat, tent , different …………

I will pay for my/our participation € ………. on 48 60 21 122 from S.O.Kingma Boltjes Tuk, the Netherlands:

IBAN: NL04ABNA0486021122


Disclaimer: I agree that my participation is at my own risk considering the ‘Terms and conditions’ on this site.

Contactaddress in case of emergency (name, telephone):


Signature:   ………………………………………………..

Please mail this form to